small but great!

24. February 2023

For the extraction of welding fumes at individual workplaces, #welding fume filters with low motor power are sufficient to comply with the legal workplace limit values. The smoke filter of the R 2000 series draws in the welding fumes via the #extraction arm, filters the smoke particles and returns the cleaned air to the hall in recirculation mode. The extraction arm is easy to carry and has a reach of 3 meters. Equipped with heavy-duty rollers, the extraction system can be used flexibly and only requires 0.72 m² of floor space.


  • 3 kW
  • Max. 4,500 m³/h
  • Siemens LOGO! 8
  • 25 m² filter surface
  • Automatic filter cleaning

And if size matters to you, our smoke filter series R ranges from 1.1 kW to 45 kW 😉

To our fume filter series